Cristiano Ronaldo full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. He is basically the citizen of Portugal. He was born on 5 February 1985. He is professional footballer and plays for Italian club JUVENTUS and Portugal national team. He is also the first European player who won four European golden shoes.

In the age of 15 he was suffering from a disease know as racing heart. Then after the treatment through operation and he started his carreer in 2003 at the age of 18. His first international goal was in EURO 2004. In the age of 23 he won FIFA world player of the year award. He played totally 7 clubs in his life and also playing in present time.

In 2015, he choose best Portuguese player of all the time and this was great opportunity for him and his country. In his personal life, he was the younger child in his house. Also Ronaldo has long list of girlfriends but he is not married yet.

At last we wish him for his best carreer and future. Love you RONALDO.