After participating in Kejurprov in Surabaya with positive results, Sidoarjo taekwondo sports were concentrated on improving more brilliant achievements. It is planned that February will field athletes for the provincial championship.

The Chairperson of the Sidoarjo Taekwondo Indonesia District Chief, Ferry Setiawan explained, at the 26-29 December Kejurprov, Sidoarjo won first place in the category of achievement. In addition, the second overall winner was semi achievement and won the best female athlete award.

The results are as a spirit of encouragement for children to achieve better performance.

In the championship Sidoarjo won 11 medals. Namely, seven gold medals, two silver medals and two bronze medals.

The acquisition of gold has met the target. From the initial target only predict will bring five gold. Currently coaching is still underway to prepare for the championship next month.