Although originally from Korea, Taekwondo senior martial arts in fact raise the name of Indonesia in the international arena. This is a compilation of Defia Rosmaniar, taekwondoin from Bogor regency who successfully contributed gold in the Asian Games

Proud? Definitely! This kid shed tears when he raised the Red and White flag after defeating the taekwondoin from Iran in the final party in the women's individual numbers.

But surely not only Defia is proud. Almost all Indonesians who focus on the title too. And even bigger, this country, the country that Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is very proud of. Defia managed to make Indonesia Raya proudly resound. This is the first gold donated for Indonesia in the four-year event of Asian nations.

But whatever it is, they are the children of the nation who want to make the nation proud. This is no joke of his struggle. With a burning passion, they train. Earnest to compete. Although there is not the slightest financial support from the government