
I put a post up on STEEM 11 hours ago right after this happened but I just wanted to reflect a little more. I went and worked out and shot baskets and when I got home I started looking at tweets from former teammates and friends of Kobe and it really got to me. Basketball is my favorite sport and always has been especially since I was 13.

Basketball has always been the sport that you can go out and shoot some hoops and put in a lot of work in by yourself. You can put in work with Baseball, Football, ....etc but basketball is always that sport where you can shoot hoops when no one is around.

It really hit me hard reading his poem and then watching this video.

Dear Basketball

I was just thinking how many people Kobe influenced around the world and that no matter how much money you have you can be gone in an instant.

We have to make everyday count.  People have really questioned me overtime on what I'm doing and why I don't have a regular job.  I never wanted to be a brick in the wall because I know you can die anytime.  I'm trying to do something extra ordinary.  I don't know how it will work out but Kobe going down really puts things back in focus.  We don't have much time even if you live to be 100.