I'm talking about the 2018-2019 season Mourinho's no right to park the bus ahead of Manchester United

Do not let this season come to mind that you are typing man.utd that they will give many goals.

80% of the game will be under 2.5

when he will give one goal he will park the bus and he will destroy the game.  ON Football he is the cancer of the game targeted football did not look at my existence,

he does not play soccer he plays some other sport that is totally bad to watch  man.utd with such a coach in a friendly game with a negative of one goal you to play with a double defense hard disaster how did the coach just l 

                                                               Mourinho's tactics

shame is for one such club, which is man.utd to play such a football.

its total disaster in the past, an example of the team's goals this is what they are playing now, a terrible disaster

What is the meaning of the term "parking the bus" in football refer to?

park the bus

this is man.utd and Here's the co-driver of the bus

CAPTEN Canser of Football

playing football which is not a public audience

must be removed from football. as new coaches arrive and become as a result and not how to satisfy the audience that is a priority for football

new coaches should take an example from pep or klop they play footbal for eyes and satisfaction