If the results in odds setting were going cold-warm so far, February 11th was freezing at BetScorum! Well, at least you can get a clearer picture how a cold day in Hell can look like!

It seems that every day in odds setting brings down previous record, be it good or bad. This time it’s bad. Very bad. In total 10 matched bets, 15,81 SCR invested, only 2 wins and 8 losses, with terrible minus of… -6.32 SCR, which is -40%! With another -12.23 SCR in lost bets, the total negative amount for @Hassan’s 50% Off initiative now is 36.95 SCR — projection says that this experiment of filling empty odds fields will probably last a day or two more, depending on the offerings…

Thank God Betman didn’t have more liquid SCRs today!

For this Tuesday Betman has only one match filled with odds, and half of them are already taken. So, welcome to

Le Petit Bookmaker Chez Betman!

And getting ever smaller!

22:15 CET: Mineiro vs. Danubio

Are there any good news at all? Yes! Sweet for the very end:

SCR went up to the dizzying $0.062497!