Don’t get your hopes high, this is not going to be a post on the bright sides of alcoholism. It’s about those damn boring, dull, democratic Cup competitions, that are organized in vain, means nothing, and just get minuscule profit into the pockets of sports mafia. I wonder when will they finally cancel them… or at least start letting hungry lions into the pitch to make it more interesting.

Aside of that, Cup competitions are highly unpredictable. Even the clumsiest teams in the Universe can make some spectacular surprise. Case in point — bl**dy Chelsea! This time they have won to spite Betman’s advice!

20:45 CET: Chelsea FC vs. Liverpool FC 1X @1.836 ✔ 2:0

OK, that was probably a decision of Liverpool team to leave unimportant competition and focus to the CL honeypot, full of fancy fiat fraud, that sports mafia still prefers to crypto. It’s alright, Betman will be satisfied with the first winning tip in March, and we will wait Chelsea at the next road fork (not related to the 🌞 fork in the neighborhood).

Not another crybaby fan… OK, Betman have a few odds for you, so you can play at BetScorum practicing baby steps in the dull Cup games until we see some grown up working on the improvement of the decentralized betting exchange:

Of course, only a dreadfully naive baby could expect improvements overnight and a big jump of SCR value despite the help of Betman’s rare posts with a few skinny odds. Even less from the Scorum Loyalty Program (not only) for tipsters, because they haven’t improve their own blog page for over a month! Most encouraging, isn’t it? Come back Demotivator Page, you’ve been forgiven everything!

When will that Saturday come again?