One of life’s greatest paradoxes… as the end of Coronaseason is getting closer, we see more of the activity at BetScorum from our betting community of three. Or maybe four. I wonder where have all those people gone? Fishing?

Betman made a big miss yesterday. Napolitans had overwhealming initiative, but couldn’t hit anything. Not even a corner flag. And so…

July 28th: Inter Milano vs. SSC Napoli X2 @1.81 ❌ 2:0

All of you who didn’t listen to Betman, all of you who invest in Inter (yes, there has been at least one or two of you), now can take your cent-valued SCR and go shopping for the essential things in preparation before the beginning of a new season. If there will be one…

In case there isn’t, Betman has the best offer ever for all of you. You may acquire global fame as the last one who ever has put a bet at BetScorum platform. Betman is actually giving you a chance to achieve blockchain immortality, with these odds!

Of course, at BetScorum you don’t see names tied to bets, so if you want to have a proof of tip (POT system) it would be essential to send one to the Scorum Loyalty program for betting bloggers for July, and get a blockchain receipt that you are one of modest immortal Scorum legends…

Eternity, here we come!

Betman’s corner at Publish0x