Football offer today at BetScorum is so small that Betman was hesitating to send anything and simply have a day of rest. But then again, it was not a big effort to send this few games anyway…

Betman really doubts anybody will notice an offer so small…

You cats… always prepared for anything. Cat ninjas…

Nothing can surprise you? Really? Well, Betman has an enormous surprise for you. Are you ready for… wait for it… SCR at two cents! And yesterday, for a short moment, it even went to $0.029!

Take that, cats!

No problem, cats, it’s a short list, you can memorize it and throw it away after you rush to BetScorum and try to destroy Betman’s results for July:

I wonder how would you fare at Scorum Loyalty program for betting bloggers for July with your ninja skills…

Go on cats, bet like there are no odds tomorrow!

Betman’s corner at Publish0x