With the growing popularity, usually comes growing recognition. In Betman’s case, instead of recognition, it is growing misunderstanding. It seems that the majority of people are mistaking famous Betman with certain psychopathic Marvel’s Batman character…

There are days without BetScorum offer… Betman fears a mass migration. The only way to hold you at this platform, is a revelation of a secret. Would you like to know who Betman really is?

You see, BetMan is a BETting MANiac, a tomato junkey in the everlasting search of a reliable tomato dealer. An addict who has been treated at the Institute for Tomato Addiction and endured a severe betting treatment in an attempt to cure his tomato addiction. Didn’t work. A day without tomato, and Betman’s blog looks like this:

nsdhdfo0pregpihgwreouhv ćsdjps drpihjbas ćpasjapsdjgr piadrjpsd rpsšžpsrjro jvndlčajv žš o aažćpsa psd iapj vpoad jvpoadv poda jkfv pkasdfnvpijads ijnvadspi asdjp oasdjfv pjasdpo japsdo vpoa d fpjpn nnvaduhj ršodk rgpojp ibvjkda ropigšpkbš pjadfb šadtđšs dgfnbopj vapojpiojfa s dpojadvć pijadvpijap dofjbpia dpjbfpjb ćpadofdt ripdjftb jpijćp dasifp darjibpćadbpopd fonjbpojap diopoo padfpijad phjia siop sdvpjaš psdpjad fbpjip xdč xvšjdp

See the difference? Isn’t that the most severe case of trembling hands you have ever seen?

Now, the other important point:

BetMan is NOT Batman. Never was. Betman does not have ANYTHING with a Marvel’s psycho in a silly suit.

So, please beware whom you are getting your betting tips from…

Did he advised you Chelsea? Oky-Joky, that explains why he is wearing a mask and why you so desperately want to kill him. Everybody else at BetScorum would probably feel the same. Now, just for you, there is another warning — here at Scorum we have a guy that is also called @batman, but really doesn’t have anything with the mentioned masked character.

You must see the difference. It’s a big one. You know, like Football and Volleyball… In Volleyball you use hands trying to avoid the net, and in football you must not use hands in order to hit the net. Or like Trump and the Truth. Like Venus and Mars. Like Yin & Yang. Like SCR and Bitcoin

Now pay attention! Otherwise, Betman will threat posting this again!