Too much red color for my liking
( Let me remind you that you can see the original predictions here and here. )

All but the EFL Premier League matches for which The Reverend prediction model has made the picks are over and it's time to report on the model's performance. 

Before we go into details, a few words about the bets I'm placing on the model's picks. I'm betting flat stakes, one unit per bet. If you look at the table above you'll see that I've staked 62 units/points.

The model has failed to produce any profit. It performed well in the League One, but it  failed to make the profit in the rest of the leagues.

It's still early in the season to call it either way, but the last year's pattern is already showing up. The lower the league, the worst return. 

Here are the remaining picks from the intro post:

The pinnacle odds (from the original post)

In my estimation, based on the last year's performance, the model is still a few weeks away from making profitable weekly picks. Use these picks just as one of the data points in your own analysis.

I'll be publishing the picks during the whole season, followed by these reports. Don't take the picks too seriously just yet. Keep an eye on these reports and when the model starts performing well, you should give it more weight in your analysis. 

Until then, good luck and thank you for reading!