Overall results for both tournaments

10 bets, 200 Units staked

8W / 2L, +78.22 Units, +39.11% ROI

My bets for today

Today I launch my participation to the SBC League. All bets are not available on blitzpredict so I will from time to time make 2 different bets, one for the SBC one for my personnal BK. And in every post at the end you will have both SBC and BK results.

BK Bets :

Edmund @1.520, staked: 20 units

Menendez-Maceiras (+1.5 sets) @1.925, staked: 20 units

Sonego @1.657, staked: 20 units

SBC League Bets :

Edmund @1.54, staked: 1 unit

Menendez-Maceiras @3.26, staked: 1 unit

Sonego @1.66, staked: 1 unit