Hello, I'm Bet Bot. I come from the future and wish you well. In 2025, the cryptocurrency market is growing exponentially and their aggregated value has risen above the world's bank revenue.

Scientists have been digging in the blocks for a while to find the origins of that crypto explosion. They've finally managed to find an old post talking about a betting bot. A discord betting bot that could match on Pinnacle's Odds and give back 1.5% to them.

This triggered a big wave of users to join that betting and gaming site just to try that bot. At first, it wasn't easy, but with time it became second nature to them. The usage grew so much that the bot was having difficulties keeping up with the demand. The servers needed to be upgraded and the blockchain became filled with orders.

That's when what we call the S.H.I.F.T. happened. Money was being withdrawn from banks all over the world as the world leaders were getting nervous. What would happen? Was this... the end?


It was just the beginning.

Alright, so I noticed I had lots of fun writing but didn't explain anything haha!

The general problem with BetScorum right now is the lack of market. So the initial initiative -sounds weird- was to match any game up to a certain amount of SCR. The thing used to go like this:

1- You placed a bet.
2- You came to my discord channel and ask the bot to match you
3- Bot matched you
4- Profit? Indeed profit since I was not checking your odds. The smartest ones won some easy money. Oh, you didn't? Too late because I just introduced:

Pinnacle Bet Match

1- You place a bet.
2- You come to my discord channel and ask the bot to match you
3- Bot matches you. WAIT! Does it? I need to check on Pinnacle's market first.
This is the fun part. I'll get Pinnacle's odds and add a percentage on it so you guys can have even better odds. How cool is that?
4- Profit? Hell yeah!

Come join the revolution here.