The 42nd Scorum Betting is a match for Real Sociedad and Espanyol.

Real Sociedad is ranked 12th in the league with 6 wins, 4 draws and 8 losses.

Espanyol is ranked 9th in the league with 7 wins, 3 draws and 8 losses.

The two teams' recent match was won by Espanyol.

This is the result of the last three games of Real Sociedad'

1 win , 1 draw, 1 loss ( 2 GF, 1 GA )

This is the result of the last three games of Espanyol.

1 win, 1 draw, 1 loss ( 3 GF, 3 GA )

Both teams are showing similar performance.

The latest match won by Espanyol but

Real Sociedad will stand up to the advantage of home games, so it will be a draw.

Let's go to the draw.

Let's go to the draw!!!!!!