Jurgen Klopp

You might read my previous articles about "football gentlemen" who play 4:3 or 3:4 where odd is always 100, but when football gentleman announce that openly in advance and we don't understand and don't bet that is deeply disturbing.

Jurgen said it loud and clear "We need to earn some money before we sign new players". I thought he meant they need to sell someone to earn and to buy new, but I was wrong, very wrong! Old fox thought something else. What he thought we saw in first week of new Premier League season. I start to think right when I saw 2:2, on 3:3 I was 100% sure. Yeah VVD is one sunday league central defender who make such blunders, yeah other lad from Leeds is such type too. It was funny on 3:3 when Leeds players tried desperately to give ball to Liverpool making clear chances. When they understood Liverpool players can't score lads from Leeds decided to make penalty near the end... What an accident... LoL

Statement after was laughable too. Klopp: "This was specific game". Gentlemen slang changed. They talked "This is one of those games that return faith in football" before. I guess these days correct way to say is "This was specific game". LoL. Well Jurgen we hope you are going to play more such "specific games". LoL

I am so angry on myself long looking at open window for jumping because I failed to understand. What man need to tell me ? Maybe to draw on paper 4:3 to give me clue I should play that game... LoL So stupid by me...

Well done Klopp & Bielsa you football gentlemen! I am afraid Liverpool will bring Messi at Anfield now.