A baseball pitcher is required to throw "something" with pinpoint accuracy in hopes of avoiding another "something" to acquire his/her objective.   

A basketball player is required to throw "something" with pinpoint accuracy in hopes of avoiding another "something" to acquire his/her objective.

A football quarterback is required to throw "something"..............WELLLLL, you get the idea!    If these sports players obtain their objectives, they become  masters of their art and are rewarded in kind with $$$$.  The very same thing can be said for anyone who would like to enter the world of C-R-A-P-S.

What is Craps?   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craps   Have a look or simply understand it is a dice game based on betting on the combination outcomes of the randomization of two dice.  Guess right and you win. Easy right?

So, if Troy Aikman can knock a gatorade bottle off the head of his teammate 60 feet away in a room with 8 foot ceilings or Alex Ovechkin can be skating sideways 20 MPH and thread a puck through the proverbial needle of a space no wider than 6 inches 50 feet away or Venus Williams can hit a tennis ball 90MPH 100 feet away and nail a target 3 inches wide......Then I think it is safe to bet( pun intended) there are humans that can toss a pair of dice a bit more accurately then the average Joe.

Two dice will yield 36 possible combinations with complete randomness.  However, there are odds of hitting certain number combos more than others.  For example: a seven rolls "on average" more than any other number.  WHY? Lets break it down. How can I role a seven?  1-6, 6-1, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, and 2-5 combos. So, A seven accounts for  6 of the 36  possible combos.   1/6th of all throws(on average) should be a seven.  

What other numbers can be rolled?  Two, three, four, five, six, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve could possible be rolled. 


What do we know about the dice thus far? There 36 different possible combinations?  What if I told you that there was a way to take the dice combinations from 36 down to 16? What is this sorcery? It's not sorcery. It is rhythmic rolling while keeping the dice on axis.

When we normally throw the dice, the dice turn forwards, backwards, and sideways. If one could master the art of keeping the dice from rolling sideways then they will successfully be keeping the dice "on axis."  If you can keep the dice on axis then you will only have 16 possible dice combo's.  Unfortunately, It doesn't matter which way you set the dice to throw.  The seven will come up no matter which way you set the dice.  

HOWEVER,  in my next blog I will reveal how to make bets so that the seven doesn't matter and you can make 1 roll bets on the 16 possible axis combos..  

Make sure you vote for me and follow me so that I can divulge in my next blog. 

I leave you with this thought: Would you consider keeping the dice on axis as talented as any of the other sports talents? Let me know what you think.  Thanks -Tigerpark135