In the world there is a huge number of the sports popular and not very. Recently I just have come across one of the strangest...interesting sports - chess boxing! And I couldn’t not share with you information on it!

Of the title suggested it is simple to guess that it is harmonious mix from chess and boxing. Of the title it is simple to guess that it is harmonious mix from chess and boxing. Rivals meet on the ring to stand 11 rounds: odd rounds - chess, even - boxing. A battle is being under way until a knockout or a mat.

It would seem, comic sport, but it officially exists since 2003, and on it the championships are annually held worldwide. It would seem, comic sport, but it is officially existing since 2003, and is annually championships is held worldwide. The chess boxing is under control of the World organization of chess boxing (WCBO). Slogan WCBO: «Fighting is done in the ring and wars are waged on the board».

Official site Chess Boxing Global.