Warning! This is amateur chess, far away from categories, titles or pro level. It's play for fun. If you have some title or category you will be disturbed with this game! You have been warned!

It was boring day today, I read some hard technical articles and tutorials about promising next big thing Cosmos SDK blockchain, Tendermint, ABCI and similar stuff which made me dizzy. I didn't understand a lot, but decided to have some rest and play one chess game over mobile device on great chess platform like Lichess is. I want to remind you that developer of platform is big supporter of Free Software. Installing and playing chess on his platform is indirect support for Free Software!

After first couple of usual moves I glanced toward opponent nickname and saw it's berniealconera with rating of 1960 while I have something between 1860 and 1890. I thought he's better player it's going to be interesting, tough...


Both Kings were soon inside the castle, but he took early initiative. He was on the move on above picture. He didn't go with Pawn to d5 and attack Knight, but initiated Pawn exchange. He eliminated my on e5, I eliminated his with Knight and then we change Knights.


His Pawn on e4 is hanging and he decided to defend it with Knight. I had plan to put light Bishop on g4 and to attack his Queen hoping he might cover with Pawn and open his castle a bit. He surprised me with Queen b3 which attacked my Pawns on f7 nad b7. What the hell ? How will I defend that ? After couple of seconds of panicking I noticed obvious fact that my f Pawn is protected with Rook and King so he can't eliminate it yet and about b7 I had choice either to move it up one piece or to protect it with Rook or Bishop. I retreated Bishop to c8. It's not popular but did the job for a moment.


I had plan to move Pawn in next move and to put Bishop on b7 on the biggest diagonal. Opponent moved Rook to e1 first following by Knight on f6, while I moved Pawn on b6 and put Bishop on diagonal completely unaware that my e5 pawn is hanging unprotected. BANG! He eliminated my important e5 Pawn attacking f7 with 3 pieces now. Is this beginning of the end ? Thought through my head was I can still defend it with Queen. I did Queen e8.


So far so bad. I moved Queen to e8 and then he did very big mistake which is try to protect e Pawn with one on f, opening castle exposing his King toward check with dark Bishop after which Knight is out! Of course I gave him that sweet little check and he moved King to h8 and lost Knight. Suddenly I gain too big self confidence.


He decided to advance with e Pawn and I can understand that. When you are short in material you need to be fast, to play with pace, but wait my Knight can go to g5 and as you probably guess I threaten him with Knight f7 and forcing King on line of fire of dark Bishop after which I could make him some more damage! He played with light Bishop on d5 wanting exchange in fear. I accepted that of course, his Queen came to d5 and BANG! Knight f7 check! He was forced to move King on g8 to receive uncovered check after Knight e3. Knight is targeting his Rook, while he is under check! Oh uh!


I was on the move on bellow picture and I decided to attack his Queen. He retreated on f6 just to receive another slap in terms of check on h4. He had enough and exchanged Queens to avoid losing of h Pawn.


Water start to babble and gurgle in his ears and he moved Pawn on the right just to lose two for one and receive yet another check!


Soon picture changed to this and full of confidence I saw new combination to check him on e1 and move another Rook to d1 and his Bishop is out!


He decided to resign at this point. That was chess obliteration!

After very big mistake and losing of e Pawn I played very well this game, while he made mistake after mistake. You can watch entire game here: https://lichess.org/Efu5mOZ7LPqx

Remember this is amateur chess, but I like when I win in style opponent who is better on paper. That makes me feel good. Oh how much I love to play chess! Tawamba, Tawamba, Tawamba, you're playing chess almost like pro!