Black resigns to Tawamba at this point

If you are Grand Master of chess, or have rating above 2000 this article isn't for you. You'll just get upset and disturbed with wrong moves. If you are one of those use your pills for calming down of blood pressure before reading because this is an amateur chess game! You have been warned!

A lot of time passed since Tawamba published some of his chess games. It's embracing because he felt to bellow 1800 in ratings and hardly moved back over 1800, but he can still surprise from time to time. Some people thing speed has no place in chess, because it's brain game, but speed on chessboard or tempo can be deciding factor in winning a chess game. First game I want to show you looks good for amateur chess player like me.


I am aware of this trap and check mate attack which could follow by black and decided to block Queen's path toward h2 with my knight. At this point it looked very dangerous for white.


I continue trying to block diagonal leading toward h2, but it's 3 pieces against twoand this isn't looking good. So far so bad.


After this exchange black threatens with check mate on h2 and I decided to block rook path toward it with my Bishop. It's temporary and should give me time for escape. I have material advantage, but black has initiative so far. At least I eliminated Pawn on g4.


He decided to move his King into safety, but that castle has it's door opened. I protected my Bishop with Queen trying to protect myself from his attack. I also decided to offer Knight exchange because I don't want his Knight attacking my castle.


Ops suddenly there is an open line toward his King which is also under diagonal attack by my Queen. That castle is not safe at all. I saw my chance with check by Rook. He decided to unleash his Pawns to try to get my Bishop, but I calculated I could do one nice counter attack. Queen checked him, his King hides behind Rook, but my other Rook came on same line threatening to eliminate Pawn on e6 with possible check mate threat.


He exchanged Pawns, but he's too slow in this attack, I doubled Rooks and it's inevitable his Pawn on e6 is mine. Situation looks good for me now!


Soon he suffered check by Rook and attack on Queen in same time. He decided to move right with King but that just meant elimination of his d8 Rook with check and inevitable check mate in couple of moves and he surrendered.


I know I am not some chess player, but this was one nice little victory over 1820 rated opponent which will learn that he need to be faster in chess! Tempo matters. My opinion is he just lost time with castle which at the end of the day didn't protect his King well, he exchanged that Knight on wrong way and opens himself for lightening speed counter attack in Pochettino style. :)

You can watch this amateur chess game on this link: and you can also register there and play and discover your level. I registered there in 2017, played more than 10000 rapid games. My winning rate is similar to Ange Postecoglou little above 50%, but app says I am better than 80% of players on platform. There are also big fish on platform, Grand Masters, chess teachers etc... Platform has been built by supporter of Free as in Freedom software which I recently find on Mastadon social network.

What to say at the end but Tawamba, Tawamba, Tawamba you play chess almost like pro. LoL!