Black on move, white Rook is doomed

It was long time since I posted some chess game. It was because I was in bad run of games , but I finally returned to place where I belong which is rating around 1820-30. In this game I faced Genrih14 a player with similar rating. I was very effective and merciless. Opponent made cardinal mistake with moving Pawn forward in wrong moment and opened space like Ange Postecoglou's teams with high line defending!

unknown oppening

I dislike those so called "closed" openings with d4-d5 being first move, but as black I couldn't dictate it. Soon after situation on board looked like this. We are both ready to do castle, I lost one central Pawn, but my light pieces have been developed.

Tawamba chess

My decision was to exchange Knights and to try to pair Bishops. Drawback is my Pawn is to advanced and hard to protect, but fortunately I have enough power to do such thing!

Rutles exchange happen and my opponent had pair of Bishops while I had Bishop plus Knight. In theory he is in better position, but his e Pawn is weak link here!

Dangerous double attack

He knew this and decided to move his King closer to it. I forced his two Rooks in this position with attack on e3 and I spotted nice e3 square on the board. Plan was to give him check and to try to capture one of Bishops with Knight to level situation, but suddenly he made wrong move! He moved d Pawn forward totally unaware of check and attack on Bishop on b2! He entered into trap!

Couuld white save this Rook on e3?

One mistakes doesn't come alone usually and after losing BIshop he lost a Pawn which was big blow. My guess is he got nervous and wanted to push Pawns forward , but yet again it was so wrong! Look at that d Rook and how exposed to Knight attack it is! Nc5 and it can't move in line because all squares are under fire, only place where it can go is d6, but black can do Ne4 and make double attack on King and Bishop! YIhaaaa!

Yihaa! Another double attack for total obliterating of opponent

After this it turned into total obliteration and soon after he resigned the game! I feel so fat after I have eaten so many tasty pieces! As I wrote in one of my previous articles beware I play very good with horses! LOL!

You can watch entire game on link here: