Warning! This is not professional chess! This is match between two players far away from categories and titles in this game. It's like non league football (soccer) game. If you are some Grand Master or International Master this article is not for you. If you continue to read ensure you used your blood pressure pills because you will be disturbed when you see who else is playing chess. You've been warned! LoL!

Material is important, but it's not everything. From time to time player with deficit in material can think some combination and too relaxed opponent might not see it until it's to late. Something like that happen in this game I played couple of days ago.


Match started with some unknown opening. I'd call it "Beef gambit" LoL. I heard it on market when one very good player watched two very bad players playing and named that opening like "Beef gambit". I usually like e4-e5 oppening, but on e4-d5 I am very thin in knowledge what to do. One early idea was to offer light Bishop exchange with possibility to develop Queen.


Soon after my King was in the castle, while he prepared to do the same. I doubled fire on his dark Bishop trying to make some problems.


That of course was not too big problem for him. We changed Rooks. I stupidly insisted to double fire on Bishop, but that lead me to lose my b Pawn.


Soon after Bishops have been exchanged, and Knights start to make positions. I took his Knight and Pawn with my rook because I felt they are to dangerous and notice he is planning to Checkmate me but also notice I can cover with Knight from f3 on e1. Did you know we call Knights - Horses here ? One market player would like to say "I play excellent with horses". LoL!


Yes it is difficult position almost an checkmate but if you look it I can checkmate him too, but unfortunately he was on the move and moved h pawn to avoid this obvious combination. It was like when Dejan Kulusevski is playing football for Spurs. You always know what he is going to do. Some people call him Dejan Predictibilsky.


As he moved h pawn I decided to give him check and to force eternal chess draw, but he was not happy with it and made f,g,h pawn in line so I moved Queen little forward, but he also moves his black Queen close to my castle, but once I move Knight on f3 he retreated.

Then he tried attack on my e pawn and I was happy to let him have it because I saw possibility of Check on f7 following by checkmate with Queen on g6 if he moves on h6. He chose to move on h8 and received nice checkmate with Knight on g6. That was situation which players from market would say if you move here then "mrk" (following with insulting gesture) if you move there then "frk" (following with same gesture). LOL Like I said I play excellent with horses. ;)

That was nice planning of two moves in advance which seems to be my maximum in this time. Thanks for reading this article and if you want to track this game move by move you can do it here: https://lichess.org/EznUgkfeXk34 If you feel you are much better player you can register there and play some games and see where you are as chess player. I recently saw mastadon message of Free Sofrware Foundation saying that main developer of Lichess app is big supporter of Free Software and I feel happy for spending so much time on his app. It's reason more for you to register and try it.