So, you thought only football carries an excessive amount of passion? Well, think again, and Betman will show you a couple of examples to prove his point, that Chess is indeed a game of passion… It is true that Chess can be used to train your character, as former World Chess Champion… and alcoholic… used with a bit of other narcotics… Alexander Alekhine used to say. He did have some success in curbing his passions, which can’t be said for every single player in the World. Unfortunately, passion is hard to exclude from Chess. Some of them are simply not able to restrain emotions in this exciting game: Especially when you are at the tournament fighting for World Blitz Title. Then you can forget all the nice words and gentlemen handshakings: And speaking of that World Chess event in Warsaw, Betman will add his own example.In that World Blitz Chess Championship, one of the best blitz players, Hikaru Nakamura, was excluded from the tournament because he allegedly was – Covid positive! Furthermore, FIDE has delisted him from the December rating standings, like he has already went into legend! Therefore, Betman is using this chance to send a passionate regards to the Coronavirus Hoax organizers and FIDE officials who made this Theater a Globalist Circus… ⚡️#🤢🤮&🤬🖕🚽☣️!👿…Feel free to add your own passionate comment!