Yes it's a game and in this case, a euphemism!

I am embarrassed at my League journey in some aspects, but I did also spend nearly 7 years of my life incosistentely loving and hating this mess of a masterpiece.

In regards to e-sports, LoL definitely got me addicted to the craziness for awhile.

I remember being so infatuated with watching Twitch and the pros all the while I played and ate candy. It brought me to a place of pure juvenile bliss... or maybe I was just going insane. I feel as though League has been the biggest game in the world for practically a decade now; never had a free to play game ever brought so many people together along with being an actually great game.

[Image Source]

The mechanics, visuals, and storylines for each character make League this immersive fairy tale experience with enough combat and strategy to make teamwork fun (even when the environment is toxic).

I recently heard they reworked my favorite heros in Aatrox and Xin..

I feel upset by this and it's almost made me not want to play. League almost turns me into a little kid throwing a tantrum, and that is why I love and hate it so. I have always been a console kid, and League was the first game to truly bring me to PC a lot more that I was accustomed to.

While I wait for the release of Kingdom Hearts and struggle with God of War... I may just go back to League (even though my old account got banned).

It seems e-sports are at an all time high, so let's see how long League keeps its place as the world's top game!

This was written for the 'My First Game' Contest. Write your own entry today, good luck!