Pick: Bilibili -1,5 @ 1.41
Time 16.04 - 9:00 // LPL (CHINA LOL)
User/Tipster analysis from the esport talk website
" I've never played such low odds. I do it very much and I often regret it, but today I will make an exception. Stake 1u, however, still 1u - the consequence.
Today's game is a game that i dont want to watch because the team that won only one game and the infamous last place in the table meets. So, the fact that the drift of BiliBili with such a course is again a big payoff for me. The schedule is a big advantage for them now
One can gently risk the more so as Bili are not yet technically eliminated - they have mathematical chances. However, a lot depends on other teams, especially on the Rogue Warriors score and the OMG match. Team WE and OMG also play on the last day of the season. There is no need to discuss the topic of possible scenarios because anyway the chances are small but they always are. The players look better and Meteor works well with the rest.
Victory Five are greasing AMOD 12.32 per season. BLGs have a slightly below average AMOV of 10.38 Billion and have an average of 17 kills to win this season. Total number of killings and deaths of BLG per game 24 . Now let's count and compare it with V5 . As for me, there are 2x more homicides on each map. Strong jungle and strong mid with Fofo - if they play 80% of their skill, I don't worry about the score. "