How to lose a game that was impossible to lose

Let's start with the match Team Team and BOOM ID, a game from a recent Minor. Probably nothing like this happened in the entire history of Dota 2.

In a legendary and cruel twist of fate, BOOM ID wrote GG, but they did not see that their creeps almost destroyed the throne of the enemy. Only after the game, the team realized that because of the position of their creeps, they could take the game into their piggy bank. There are very few such moments, which is why this game will not be forgotten.

Best Snowball of all time

If you watched this game, you probably only remember this moment. A long time ago, when Puppey and KuroKy played Team Secret, the team met with the Moscow Five in qualifications for Starladder Season 12.

Moscow Five took Tusk and several of their aggressive moments in the initial game led to the perfect coincidence of the circumstances that made this moment happen. This is probably one of the funniest moments in Dota 2. Moscow Five jokingly wrote GG.

Swindlemelonzz’s Scepter

And lastly, a very comical moment on The International 5 in which the compLexity player lost his Eul's Scepter, as well as his reaction attached.