Mitch Robinson, a professional football player in Australia has been turning towards eSports very recently. This professional football player has signed off with a Fortnite eSports team.

I personally do not know why or when Mitch decided he was interested in eSports. He kind of just came out of the blue and came out with it. I can tell that he has been playing Fortnite on his free time because he is very good. But I am still trying to my head around how a Fortnite eSports team reached out to him so quickly.

Mitch Robinson has joined the Fortnite eSports team called, 'Chiefs'. He signed off with this team as a streamer, so expect lots of streams from him. The Chiefs Esports Club has welcomed Mitch Robinson with open arms. As he makes a great addition to the club. He has a great personality, good at the game, and is already kind of famous.

You can also watch the introduction video of Mitch Robinson on there Twitter.

The Chiefs Esports Club is very lucky to get Mitch Robinson so quickly and so easily.

According to TJ Bird...

Mitch Robinson has been at this for a while, Mitch has been a PC player for a while now. Mitch just wanted to test his skills in the game Fortnite and happened to be very good at it. That is what first caught the eyes of The Chiefs Esports Club. Mitch is very dedicated to improving his skills every day. Mitch not only desires to be an entertaining, engaging and provocative Fortnite streamer, he wants to be the best.

Will Mitch return back to football?

It is not uncommon for a football player to be active in the eSports Scene. However Mitch Robinson is kind of making a mark in history. If you think about it football teams such as Adelaide Crows and Essendon have there own eSports team. But Mitch Robinson is probably the first to actually branch off the football team and sign with a eSports team.

Mitch Robinson will be back on the football fields next season. untill then he will be spending his time streaming and playing Fortnite.

Watch Mitch Robinson NOW on Twitch!

While it may seem like Robinson has not really done amazing by signing of with the Chiefs as a streamer. This may be the begging of a butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. I think what Robinson did could cause other professional athletes to become less indirect and directly become more involved in eSports.