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See the action Michael Grzesiek or Shroud play PUBG would've been okay. Former professional CS: GO it's got talent to be proficient in any game is primarily a FPS. As the clip of this one when playing Rainbow Six: Siege, Shroud menggocek shots opponents with the movement of the head or when her suppress the five enemies alone.

Shroud Skill

Shroud decided to end his professional gaming career along with Cloud9 on April 2018. Now more focus on streaming, she tried a variety of games like PUBG, Fortnite, Realm Royale, including Rainbow Six: Siege.

Shroud started playing R6 in the summer of 2018 and says it wants to play in the title game as comfortable as possible. On one occasion, he met with the R6 's squad from the Cloud9 is being practiced. Motivated with match up, he showed skill CS: GO kill him by Cloud9, whereas three players in condition stuck with positions 2vs4.

Shroud skill

Of a sudden, with its ability to help the team, the Shroud of turn things left 2-0 to become 2-3. Though eventually losing by a score of 5-3 Shroud but still faced the team of professionals of high ranked in R6 be the achievement for new gamers like Shroud.

Shroud 1vs 5

In some other clips, the Shroud back cinematic skill ala gods by slaughtering 5 enemies alone. High accuracy, quiet, and understanding the mechanics of the game very well from the CS: GO to function perfectly to other FPS genre. Shroud up to now have not intention of returning to play professionally, but skillnya is not lying if he is one of the most talented gamers in the face of the Earth.