I'm not really sold on this entry. It's said to be the biggest game yet and all. Mechanics from new damn will be in this game too... but I personally don't like the tacky looking weapons or those weaponized backpacks. It's looking like a first person just cause at this stage to me. P.S: don't take it as I'm dissing far cry as an ip. Just saying how I feel so far based on footages I saw.

I hate maps that you have to spend half a mission just getting there, over and over. It's great to expand the map as you progress so you can do all the missions in 1 area at a time.

1 example is far cry 4. Your base was in a shit location. If you didn't want to run you had to start out at your base, or know where helicopters were which were still usually 5 real time minutes away from the mission flying