I want to give a shout to Shakedown: Hawaii to fellow retro GTA fans here, currently on PSN sale if you play PS5, PS4, PS3 or PS Vita. It's a sequel to Retro City Rampage which started life as a top-down GTA1 demake for the NES! Both now are cross-buy on PSN.

Both have pixel retro aesthetic and a top-down city to play in. Retro City Rampage is full of retro comedy references to movies and games. You basically play as a knock off Marty from Back to the Future with friend Doc and the levels are mostly linear.

Shakedown: Hawaii is a bit more involved and has you play 3 characters funnily enough (you can't switch on the fly like GTAV though) with the main character having a Michael vibe. it's all about taking over the city via terrible business practices which is the kind of comedy it's all about.

I'd say the first game is the right length, the second is dragging a bit but I haven't stopped playing it so that could be why. The second is more refined and aimed to look like the 16-bit era where the first is 8-bit styled. The first one has taxi side mission which is always a plus.

So yea top down gta fans and business buying fans in any of the gta series might enjoy this :)