
Everyone wants to see the rocket take off and travel to infinity. All but one mediocre player who took this opportunity to sabotage the moment and get the incredible sum of 48 deaths.

Player name is Elemental_Ray, According to the official data, it is in the number 18.190.854 of the world ranking. With a winning percentage of 0.60% and an average of murders per game of 0.47 and has played more than 2000 games. This is a regrettable score.

In a YouTube uploaded video you can appreciate all the players in harmony, preparing the platform where you can appreciate the rocket in everything esplendor.

I await the culminating moment. When the rocket returns, to perform its movement Rat

Neither Elemental Ray himself was saved from the death of more than 48 meters.

                                 This record will remain for a long time.