The war of the battle royale

The big game-making companies are always in an eternal struggle to show which game is better. When a game attracts the attention of thousands of users, a war between programmers begins, a war without blood, but a lot of sweat and sleep. Therefore there are only 3 major competitors each with a very similar system, but with its own gameplay.

Undoubtedly, our champion is Fortnite, that is what the numbers are currently saying and it is not surprising, Epic Games brings new constant updates to its users.

PUBG is the initiator of this wonderful style of games. With more than 10 million active players, it seems that their confidence played a trick on them, leaving the community aside. This caused many players to leave the game.

Blackout It is the newborn son of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. His presentation was increibe, with zombies Included. This promises to dethrone the other known giants.

The others battle royale you did not know

These Batle Royale failed to captivate the public. Even some have a small community of active players, others have already died.

DayZ was one of the first, but its few updates and game engine. They took him to desolation.

H1Z1 started on the right foot. Game surprising, but started with development problems and his worst mistake was not listening to his community. This killed him.

Live but with low population

These are the cases of Realm Royale and Cuisine Royale. Although a sleeping giant is about to wake up and this promises to arc Firestorm (The battle royale of Battlefield V)

Devil and Black, battle royale in the challenge

Alejandro 'Black' García y Eric 'Diablo' Murillo, Both are professionals in the world of battle royale, In a fun proposal. They were challenged, to guess the objects belonging to Fortnite. Remember that there are still many objects that few know that come from mysterious boxes.

A different way to play and have fun. You can find the outcome of this challenge in Movistar eSports