Before we get into the eSports New Tech News of the week there is bit of breaking news for anyone that takes to watching streams or gameplay recordings! You just might have to find somewhere else to put on your videos to fall asleep to for the night!


Youtube is reporting outages all over the world and they have no idea what is causing it.

It isn't just a normal error for those that are getting it, either. It is completely unreachable for all links, all videos, and not even thumbnails will load!

Hopefully, a fix is in the works and service will be restored to everyone!

Dextres, the First Sleek VR Gloves

Credit to EPFL and ETH Zurich!

As VR eyes eSports as their next step up in the gaming world, especially with Oculus Go hitting shelves, companies are hard at work to make peripherals that allow VR to be even more R.

Gone are the gloves that looked like they were designed to survive a trip to the moon. The bulk and ridiculous wires absolutely minimized.

The Dextres gloves are made from light-weight nylon and weigh about 40 grams per hand! It features haptic feedback that will make it really feel like you're holding things and moving items about.

In fact, this breakthrough opens the door for the possibility of a full body suit.

The scientists behind the creation are part of EPFL and ETH Zurich and it looks like these won't be far off from hitting the shelves for game consumers! Oh, and for digital training!

Take a look! (if Youtube is working for you)

Discord Game Store Now Open

The Discord gaming store is now open to the mass public!

There are still subscriptions in place if you wish to access all the titles, but for less than a Netflix subscription ($10) you get all the games available and also all the perks and exclusives! Yes, there are Discord exclusives available for the games!

However, if you just want to use their classic Nitro ($5) you get access to Emojis and some titles, from what I can tell.

However, the small and niche gaming store isn't where all the excitement is. Even though it is pretty cool that you get a focus on quality indie games and get to play them on the cheap or free. Not to mention there will probably be plenty of new games rotating in and out.

The real deal is that they are also making it an OPEN library able to store all games bought from other sources. So if you use Discord to chat while gaming, it has become an even easier process! Now your steam games can be loaded right through Discord! (Oh, and you can close DMs without having to change your overlay)

Pretty awesome!

Ultimate Sega Console (IN HD)

Image credit to Analogue!

The company Analogue is smashing it! These guys have done something that people have been begging big companies for for years.

They have made multiple consoles that bring your retro gaming years back to life and make them pop on HD televisions. Now they have done it once again with the Sega!

This little console is sleek, slimline and plays ALL of the Sega games. I do mean all.

For the small price of $190 this beast can play every game ever made, including even the Sega CD. The handheld game gear, Genesis, Master System, SG-1000... all of it! There will be a piece of kit included for the Master System but you will need adapters for the rest, except for Genesis which runs native!

It is compatible with all your old controllers but they have one built specifically for the system in case yours just didn't survive your years of abuse. For $25 it is rechargeable AND wireless!

By the way, you can also upgrade it so it can take ROMs from a third party! It arrives in April!

Stay tuned for more similar content and e-sports!!

Have a fantastic day,
