In the event of the future of PS5 games, an improved version of GTA V was revealed for the second time, with the provision of a standalone version of GTA Online for PS5 users, and it will be available for free during the first three months. This ad has been criticized by many, including Elon Musk, who criticized the Rockstar era of the game.

In general, I am not here to criticize, but to convey some of the news that we hear today about the possibility of the game being exclusive to the Playstation 5. This came after Ryan McCaffrey of IGN got the opportunity to try Xbox Series X, where he mentioned in the podcast Next-Gen Console Watch that he was banned from trying GTA V on Series X and instead he was asked to try the fourth installment.

The media was surprised by this matter, although the fifth part was already on Xbox One, and he did not prevent him from playing this particular game on the new device. The explanations say that the reason is that the improved version of the game will be exclusive to the Playstation 5 as a story development side, as well as online. This exclusivity could be temporary and not permanent, as I think.

Rockstar has already confirmed that the new version will bring with it big changes, and it will contain a set of technical improvements, visual upgrades and performance improvements to take full advantage of the new and powerful hardware of the platform, making the game more beautiful and more responsive than ever before.