Final Fantasy 16 is one of the games that Sony surprised us with as one of the PlayStation 5 exclusives, and that we learned that its basic development process has already been completed. Which will come to us next year, on account of the PlayStation magazine.

Today, Square Enix opened the game's official website, and on this occasion, we shared more details about the game producer Naoki Yoshida through the official PlayStation Blog, which we will summarize the most important points about her story and characters below:

The game takes place in Valisthea filled with huge mountains of sparkling crystal called Mothercrystals

The story of the game revolves around the revolution on crystals

In the world of the game, we live in conflicts and skirmishes between several nations, including the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, the Holy Sunbrick Empire, the Kingdom of Walweid, the Dalmatian Republic, and the Iron Kingdom, all of whom have their own culture and ideology.

The main protagonist is Clive Rosfield, who is interested in swordsmanship and sword arts

Brother of the hero Joshua, chosen by fate to awaken the phoenix

And then there's Jill Warrick who grew up with the two brothers as part of the family

There are also Dominants who are special beings in some kingdoms who are revered as kings and sometimes pushed to the front lines as weapons of war.