Next month we'll get the latest installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise, Valhalla, which will run in full 4K at 60 frames on the next generation. Ubisoft also stated that it will release the game in the region with special regulations.

Today, some impressions spread about the game, including Eurogamer, which contained valuable information and details about the game, which we will share with you below:

Storage is one of the new features in the game, at the beginning it will be small, just a place where Eivor sleeps, starts tasks and receives mail, but after collecting the necessary resources and items, the player can expand the settlement by building an animal barn, shops for professions such as blacksmithing, a trading center, a square for archers, stables, etc.

You can hold a banquet for your followers before starting any mission in order to give them a strong morale and more strength, and if you build a farm in the settlement, your feast will be more luxurious.

The more the settlement develops, the greater the number of its inhabitants and your followers

Romantic options are in the game

Inside the settlement there will be a Seer hut where you will meet a character named Valka The Seer who will give you a drink to enter the hero into the world of fantasies and hallucinations. Here, as a player, you will be able to travel to Asgard and Jottenheim to meet there the Norse gods like Odin.

This part will be the conclusion of Leila Hassan's story and it can be brought from the present to the past, where we will find her in the game world in the past, killing some bad guys, solving some puzzles and performing some tasks

He will present multiple story axes, including the axis of the character of Eivor, an axis related to his journey, the idea of ​​expansion and leading the clan towards the conquest of England, and an axis related to the conflict between Hidden Ones and the Order of the Ancients, and in the end this time these three axes will be linked together with an end that depends on your decisions and choices as a player

The design of the story is based on the attributes of honor, reputation, betrayal, leadership and shame, and of course the prophecy of Eivor will be addressed.

The hero's killing of members of the Order of the Ancients is not a requirement because he believes in the goals of the Assassins, but he does so in order to open up the possibility of certain alliances that will benefit his people.

Your decisions will increase or weaken the bonds of relationships with certain people.

And we had known that we would face 25 types of enemies in the game. It will be released on November 10 on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PS4 and Stadia