Next July the 7th a new Tour de France race will start and teams are getting ready to be on the best shape before facing the cycling race of the races. It is fair to say that a cycling team is much more than its top figures as on a 21-day race, the entire team has to work in order to let its top racer reach the podium.

Movistar team is one of the strongest in the circuit and composed of several confirmed stars as well as new members. You can find a full detail of the members of the official team webpage.

But everyone agrees's the top three players are  Nairo Quintana, Mikel Landa, and Alejandro Valverde.

We will have to wait a few days to see if the three are on the best condition to face the race but having three superclass racers on its team is for sure a great advantage Movistar has over the rest of the team.