Today, Betman introduces to you a sport that you have rarely seen live, and still haven’t had at any betting exchange… certainly not BetScorum

It’s a historical battle of nations, knight games in full armour and with ancient weapons of choice. This year it is held at the Phenomenal Smederevo Fortress, an old fortification from the 15th Century, build up against the invasion of Ottoman Empire, and the last Serbian Medieval State Capital.

Source: LadySnowhite

Now, if you think it is just a kind of fake historical spectacle, you are wrong. These guys are seriously hitting each other, and the medicine teams have full hands. Link at the Profights from the third day is here:

And if you wish to see it live, and you can’t get to Smederevo this moment, you have live links here:

At the main arena you can soon watch a true spectacle: Battle 150 on 150! Unseen before!

A usual ring profights can bee seen live here:

All the events at this YouTube link:

And you have everything in English and Russian languages. And don’t forget to visit @ladysnowhite’s report at Steemit

Welcome to Smederevo!