Before I became quite active and into sports, my philosophy was completely opposite. I remember saying over and over again that:
I'm going to die anyway, why should I take care of my body or train it for some specific sport?
So I wasn't really doing much sports back in the day. With one exception. FINGERBOARDNING. I loved this little piece of wood, no joke. And everyone around me hated it. Because slamming it on the table over and over again was (obviously) bothering. I've beed fingerboarding for cca 2 years and got pretty good. Never made it to any competition tho :/ I would never say it's possible to do all the same tricks with these little ones as it's possible to do with proper skateboards.
Funny career ending
My career ended up when I've lost it and my girlfriend straight up told me she's gonna break up with me if I buy a new one :D My friends' reaction on her saying this was priceless :D
"We thought that you're the only one who benefits from his finger skills :D"
...Skateboarding without injuries (and adrenalin)...