For as long as cars exist, races are held. On circuits, on highways, in deserts, on ice; In essence, anywhere cars can drive. Although the technology advanced over the last century and more, the basic concept never changed:

  • Mechanical vehicle, supported by electronics
  • Human to drive the car

Should we not take a next step, change this concept?

copyright: Roborace (

For years, maybe even decades, we got accustomed to new technologies we may consider to apply to racing; And why not to F1-racing?

Think of the computer racing games.

Why not change the race car in the game for a real car? As a matter of fact, people do race cars using a remote control, similar to a computer game remote control; These little toy car races I mean. Why not change the little toy car for a large car?

In air vehicles, drones where introduced already more then two decades ago. At first these vehicles where used solely in the defence industry and military. By now, we created consumer level drones. The idea is the driver of the air vehicle is at some other place, remote to the air vehicle. Mapping this to cars, one would get the same idea as presented before; Cars driven by a remote driver/control.

With the more recent developments around self driven cars, one can easily imagine to apply this technology to racing. Whilst the previous mentioned 'drone' type car includes the human still, this self driven car racing concept takes the human out of the equation, at least directly. Indirectly, humans will still be part of the game, designing the cars and evolving the AI technology to make these cars self driven.

Don't you think such evolutions of car racing, and more particular to F1 (being the king of all race segments with the fastest cars on track), would be very exiting?