The science of physical education and sport (upper notion - science) - the main meaning = the totality of knowledge on physical exercise, correlated in a system of notions and presented in one's own theory, which establishes the principles by which the biological and spiritual effects in the practice of social life are predicted, exploited and confirmed.

The science of physical education and sport through the profile of its biological and pedagogical knowledge has a synthesis character.Its object of knowledge is man in his process of social integration and with the help of practicing the physical exercises, in order to improve his organic and psychic and implicitly to increase his social efficiency

Values ​​that advance physical education and sport to science can be physical, intellectual, moral, or spiritual. The more these activities contribute to enhancing the vital tone of the individual or group, the closer will be to the culture and the concept of sport science

From the perspective of sport science, the quality of human life is addressed in the health, education, education and ecology segments. In this context, the field of sport science includes a variety of domain specific values, such as:

▪values ​​created for the purpose of organizing physical exercises;

▪values ​​created in the philogenetic development of man, which refers especially to the ideal of bodily harmony

▪values ​​of material nature or created by the sport show

▪values ​​of spiritual order.

Sport is a polysemantic term. Often physical activity, physical exercise and sport are used as synonyms in literature or especially in the media. However, when it comes to private sports, I have to remember a certain sporting branch

Physical activity - physical exercise as a natural form of movement. In the view of the Council of Europe (through the European Youth and Sports Manifesto), this is a form of youth-based recreational challenge and recreation. the principle that governs this category of values ​​is accessibility. The welfare of the young person and the acquisition of a healthy lifestyle are essential aims, and the basis of these activities is the family and the school