As many of you know I´m from Portugal and I love contests, especially those who make me think and commit part of my time to be able to win some STEEM/SBD.

Inspired by many contests like the one @acidyo is running, I decided to create my own contest and spread the activity around the portuguese league (Liga NOS) either on Steemit and here on Scorum.

In only 5 days the main competition in Portugal will start: Liga NOS

Here is a link to the original anouncement post:

First things first, to participate you need to create an account:

Go on over to, and register an account in case you haven't done so yet.

After that all you need to do is follow the rules and create the best team possible to improve your chances of winning.


1- Join the league:

You can join the League trought this link:           Or using the Token: 77e354d7

2-One team per Steemit/Scorum user allowed in the league. You must comment your team name in the comments. If you don't I will be enforced to remove you from the league.

3- You must not change your team name till the season ends and should remain same as you registered.

Optional, but very helpful: Upvote this post and all the posts throughout the season to improve the prize pool.

You can join the league at any moment but hurry up, because the latter you get in the hardest it gets to win the final prize.


The prizes will be based on the payout of the weekly posts that I´ll make through the season. I´ll try to bring at least 2 posts per week, 1 post as a preview of the matches of the week and the other with the results of the week.

Every week there will be a winner of 30% of the post payout of the correspondent week. 70% will sum up to the end of the season prize pool.

This is my team, for now!

Important to find out who are the transfers that will happen until the end of August (IN/OUT)

Call for Sponsors:

Finally, if anyone of you wants to sponsor this contest and increase the SBD/STEEM prize pool, you are always welcome. As a return, I will do my best to recognize you in every upcoming post related to the contest. If you are willing to sponsor, please comment below or discord me: Diogo#2408

If you know any way on how I can improve the contest pls leave your idea in the comment section, I would appreciate it very much.

Thanks for your time!