The pupils and the students are enjoying their third term holidays as the 2018/19 academic year comes to an end and they await a new educational year come September.

The Ministry of Youths and Sport find it fit to fix up an U-12 and U-15 competition to keep the children busy.

The competition will cover sport activities starting from football, atletics, weightlifting, field hockey, cycling, handball, basketball, Taekwondo, judo, etc.

The facilities of the Lafia Township Stadium are being used for their trainings as the Nigeria Professional Football League is still on break.

I will be reporting some training sessions carried out by different categories from time to time.

Today I will be reporting on field hockey.

Hockey is actually not a popular sport over here in Nigeria

It was awesome to watch the children handle the stick with caution yesterday afternoon during their field hockey training session.

The goalkeeper got my interest as he looked like those robot cars used in this movie "transporter" lol but that is the only way to stay safe from a 5.5 ounces (156 grams).

Ball size and Weight

Accordingng to the United States Field Hockey Association, a regulation field hockey ball must weigh between 5.5 ounces (156g) and 5.75 ounces (163g). A hockey ball's circumference must range from just over 8.75 inches to 9.25 inches.

Goalkeeper's Kits

Damage hockey sticks


•The game is played between two teams of eleven, 10 field players and one goal keeper.

•Players are permitted to play the ball with the flat side of the stick.

•Other rules include; no foot-to-ball contact, no use of hands, no obstructing other players, no high back swing.

Thanks for staying tuned.



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