In this day and age many types of sports, one of which is Yoga. Many women do this exercise to make the body healthier. Not only that, there are still many more benefits if you do yoga.

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What Is Yoga?

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language which contains meaning as an activity in which a person must focus the whole mind in order to control the five senses. This means that we must be able to control, regulate and fully concentrate so as to create harmony and balance between mind, soul and body.

Yoga is considered as the first step in Hindu spirituality. Yoga itself has actually been introduced for a very long time, around 2000 BC. Yoga is the most suitable exercise done by all ages and certainly very important for everyone. Yoga is suitable for all ages, genders and all medical conditions.

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Those who were stricken with stress began to realize that medical treatment is not effective enough to treat diseases that are psychic or mental. They then began to turn to natural healing efforts by doing yoga.

Yoga is very popular in the world, the many benefits of yoga, one of which is to reduce weight makes many fitness centers combine this method with their training guidance.

The various and very varied yoga movements they use as a counterweight to the exercises that have been available in the fitness training sites.

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There are many other benefits provided by yoga as follows:

Overcoming depression

The first is to overcome depression because yoga offers breathing techniques that not only nourish the body but also nourish the mind. Yes, mastering breathing techniques in yoga is not easy and cannot be done instantly. But by doing normal breathing techniques, you can relieve stress, depression and feeling of anxiety.

Lose weight

Losing weight is one of the benefits of yoga for women who must be very desirable. With just one hour of practice, yoga can burn more calories than walking casually with the same duration. But balance with a healthy diet.

Healthy heart

Yoga and lifestyle changes can help maintain a healthy heart and body. A study carried out on people with coronary artery disease showed that by including yoga into their normal routine and changes in lifestyle and healthy eating patterns the incidence of coronary artery disease was drastically reduced.

Improve body posture

Most yoga movements involve muscle strength which makes it far more productive. If you practice regularly, your body posture will automatically form more ideal by itself. Yoga also helps the body become more sensitive, for example when we accidentally bend our sitting posture, the body will immediately change to the correct position.

Overcoming asthma

Relapsing asthma can be very annoying and quite torturing isn't it? Now to overcome this, try to do yoga regularly. A study conducted in patients with mild to moderate adult asthma shows some breathing-related yoga movements such as Pranayama can help relieve asthma symptoms.

Sleep better

After practicing yoga, all parts of the muscle that were stiff will slowly stretch. Stretching is what makes your body more relaxed to rest. Not only that, a calm mind after doing yoga will also improve the quality of your sleep at night. The benefits of yoga for women which is of course very important, especially if your myriad of jobs often lead to difficulty sleeping.

Well, that's a little explanation about yoga and the benefits of doing yoga for health. How about it Yoga is a simple exercise right? You can also do it at home if you don't have time to go to a yoga gym.

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