I have already have done a post similiar to this one but i feel i should post it with new mistakes so there we go! Hope you like it!

Mistake #1: Not Lifting Heavy Enough 

The goal of strength training is to provide enough resistance for your muscles to work against to create change. You won’t get toned or ripped without the challenge.

The goal is to work your muscles just to, if not past, the point of failure, which means that your last rep should be the last one you can do with good form before you have to recruit other muscle groups to help you out and stabilize you. If the last rep feels or looks the same as the first, add more weight.

Mistake #2: Prioritizing Weight Over Form

Some people have the opposite problem and lift too much. Lifting a weight isn't as important as lifting a weight properly. Just because you can put up 300 on the bench doesn't mean that's what you should be benching.

You can go through the motions of any exercise, but if your form isn't right, you might not be working the muscles you think you are, and you definitely wouldn't be working any of them safely.

Mistake #3: Avoiding the Exercises You Hate

Everyone has that exercise they avoid like a plague, but if you hate it, it's probably because you need it. Your body seeks comfort and doesn't like to do things that are the most challenging for it.
Like i said in my last post if i am not wrong, our mind controls everything, that's why we first of all need to control the mind.

Mistake #4: Not Allowing For Down Time

"The biggest mistake I see people making is not giving their central nervous system a break," says fitness model Lawrence Ballenger. "People need to periodize their training so they don't get discouraged when they aren't making gains," he notes.

Mistake #5: You don’t warm up

Most people consider warm up time to be wasted time—they’d rather jump right into the heart of the routine. What they don’t realize is that a good warm up will allow you to perform at a higher intensity, which means greater results.

The point of a warm up is to increase your muscle temperature. This increases blood flow, muscle contraction and reduces muscle resistance.


Thank you all for reading, feel free to leave suggestions by commenting and upvote if you liked!


@andre2018 .