What are anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids are drugs created to act as testosterone (the male hormone synthesized by the testicles). In some cases, they may be used as a treatment drug to replace testosterone in patients who do not have adequate amounts of this hormone in the body. They are found in the form of pills, capsules or intramuscular injection.

What are the effects of anabolic steroids in our body?

Anabolic agents cause muscle growth (called an anabolic effect) and development of hair, beard, thickening of the voice (androgenic effects).

What are the dangers of using anabolic steroids?

Men : 

  • Decreased sperm production
  • Sexual impotence
  • irreversible growth of the breasts

Women :

  • Thickening of voice
  • Excessive growth of hair on the body
  • Breast reduction

In addition, the use of these substances without the correct medical indication can cause the appearance of liver tumors, changes in cholesterol levels, hypertension, heart attack, acne, behavioral changes, among others.

Remember that by using this type of substance you are putting your health at risk.

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