Self Motivation is the Key

Being determined to start weight training, resuming training or even joining a gym is not the hardest part. It is usually normal to have greater motivation in the beginning, which tends to fall over time. We all have family problems, problems at work, suffer from the actions of time (cold, rain, heat, etc.), tiredness and delay to obtain the desired body.

In this long journey that can last for months and years, we must always get around these unforeseen and stay firm in our diet and training routine. The mind is more powerful than the body, and you should not let down because even great bodybuilders and athletes suffer from this evil, but they do not give up.

Getting to train is not a fairy tale, as television shows usually show. The results are slow to appear, when we are out of shape, the first training seriously hurts and if we do not have any outlined plan, we are lost by the gym room jumping randomly from one machine to another.

"To create motivation, we must set training goals in the short, medium and long term"

We know that staying motivated is difficult, so here's the hint: think about why you signed up for the gym.

So here's some tips that you must listen and get it into your brain!

Tip #1 : Achievable Objectives

Most of the time, we set high goals and have little time to reach them. First, we must assess the time required and set a realistic goal.

So the best way to achieve your goals is to start with low expectations and keep your focus on improving!

Tip #2 : The training partner

There is always someone on the same level as us and training on our schedule. No one wants to work alone and everyone loves to talk and share their fitness goals in my opinion.

Tip #3 : Bad days without excuses!

When we feel negative, it is easy to think that we will not have the energy to pedal, run or lift weights for an hour.

But if we agree not to do a heavy workout and go at our pace, things become easier and enjoyable. Do not forget that the mind controls everything and does not always help us.

Tip #4 : Track your progress

Tracking weekly progress is also a great way to keep yourself positive and constantly motivated because bad days we all have, and for that reason we should re-evaluate the results every week and not every day. Self evalutatin 1 per week or even 2 is the best you can do, go by me!

Tip #5 : Music

Music? What's wrong with you?

Well ... it's more than proven that listening to music improves performance in the gym and relieves stress.

Create a playlist from week to week so you do not get tired of always listening to it! And remember you! Songs you really like and you do not mind listening to it all day long!

Tip #6 : Watch youtube motivational videos

Here is a list of which I recommend!

This isn't only for getting motivation to gym, also helps you in daily life, doing common things.

The Secret to Self-Motivation

"Our mind is trained to do the easy things, that's why it is so difficult to do the difficult things"

Bodybuilding Motivation

"All the pain i've been through push me to be a stronger motherfucker every single day"

And the last but not least! Dwayne Johnson: ONE OF THE BEST MOTIVATION EVER


Thank you all for reading, feel free to leave suggestions by commenting and upvote if you liked!


@andre2018 .