What is a Fat Burner?

As the name says , it is a supplement to gain muscle. Or not.

A Fat Burner is a supplement that helps you to lose weight.

There are many types of fat burners on the market – it can be a pill, a natural herbal mix that you drink, a homemade and healthy meal that promotes weight-loss, as well as some other types.

If you think that you can just pop a pill and continue eating pizzas, hamburgers, and cakes all day – you are in for a big surprise because you’re still going to get fat!

You still have to have a proper diet to achieve your fat loss goals.

What's the job of the Fat Burner in our body?

There are many types of fat burners such as :

  • Appetite Suppressant
  • Fat Blocker – Ingredients such as Chitosan, a fat absorber, help with moving small amounts of fat through the colon without the body having a chance to absorb some of it. In my opinion this fat burner is not the best because you also need some fat to gain muscle so yeah.
  • Carbohydrate Blocker
  • Thermogenics – As the definition states, a thermogenic helps your body raise its temperature to boost your metabolism.
  • Cortisol Blocker – Cortisol is a stress hormone. It influences how your body stores fat. This type of fat burner helps prevent some of the adverse effects that cortisol has on your body.

And now ... the part no employee will tell you about is the risk of fat burners.

Benefits :

  • Improves your metabolism
  • Indirecly burns fat
  • Improve your performance in gym
  • Increases energy

Risks :

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Elevated Blood Pressure(Risk of AVC)
  • Dehydration
  • Death(in the worst cenario)

So yeah that's it, take it by your own and don't forget to ask help for a doctor , always!

I reccommend fat burners for those people that has that small fat locations that are hard to take off.

As i say, 80% of your diet is what determines your objective.

Hope you like it ! Keep it up!