We've all been hesitating in different periods of our exercises. This is a known fact of bodybuilding life. With this in mind, we all have to look for something new... ... a shock that makes your muscles say hello! Here's a really focused exercise program that focuses on muscle cells in your PECs. This short, but intense program allows you to gain new muscles when you are designing to create an incredible pump effect. The idea is that each set of bench presses, cable crosswords, and lying low-pulley chest lyes will give the body a chance to adapt gradually... to the gradual increase in weight. These three exercises - focus on slow repetitions for you, take maximum advantage of time. Make sure that you compress your PECs in the zir - ves of each iteration. Push-ups made with body weight are a monster unlike bench press and cable exercises. This will fill your PECs with more blood and allow you to test muscle endurance.

Barbell Bench Press

Lie on a bench with your face facing up and your feet standing flat on the ground. Grab barbell in a way that your hands will stay out of your shoulders. Lift up the barbell, take a deep breath, and gently bring the chest cheaply. Keep your wrists on your elbows and throw your elbows out. When bar reaches a distance of 3-4 inches from your chest, push up the bar in the opposite direction of the resistance demonstration-erek. Always take control of the weight. Get the bar back to your face level, but don't lock your elbows down. Weight lifting muscles, not joints.

Bounce Push-Up

All you have to do is switch to the classic push-up position. At the center of the landing, slide most of your weight on one hand. Do very fast partial repetitions with up and down jumps in a rhythmic manner. Keep going until you're out of power. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds - then repeat the same exercise for the other side. Make two sets in both sides.

Low-Pulley Cable Crossover

Stand in the middle of a cable crossover Station and hold the d-handles attached to both low-pulley. Keep your feet equal and shoulder wide. Your elbows are slightly bent and your palms look up. It is a good idea to have a physical exam and a physical exam if you have any of the following symptoms: Continue until you have two sparrows on top of your finger. Squeeze your PECs for a second and then slowly return to the beginning. Tip: get tension in your muscles throughout the movement.

Lying Low-Pulley Chest Flye

Place a flat bench in the center of the pulley machine. Grab both the D-handle from the lower deck and lie down with the bench facing up. Now pull both reels up, keeping your elbows slightly bent throughout the entire movement. It must be like holding your arms in a tree trunk. Keep your fists touching each other up and holding them for two seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.