In the last 50 years due to the increasing skill of exercise and competitive competition, the physical demands and the acrobatic nature of the game have been encouraged. As a result, there has been a change in the physical structure of gymnastics. Today's female gymnast is of short stature, lizards and athletic muscles that makes them more powerful than weight. They start preparing for international competition at a young age just before their Poverty.

Male characteristics have also changed in the past few years, and they are ready for competition at the age of about twenty years, when their muscles grow completely.Unfortunately, strong training in this game has often been misunderstood. Bodybuilding and weight training for beauty purposes is very different from Strength training in gymnastics. In fact, strenuous training can be detrimental to the excellent performance of gymnast. Generally, muscle groups in the body building are strengthened with weight training. While emphasis on movement patterns is necessary in gymnastics as it requires muscle strength along with strength.

Due to injury

Gymnast uses both hands and feet jointly and puts them at risk of injury. In this way small injuries and scratches are common. More serious injuries include wrist and forearm cartilage, waist pain in the knee, ankle discs, and sprain and bone in the shoulder. In Gymnastics, it is necessary to learn how to jump and return to the right way to avoid spinal, knee, head and wrist injuries.

Most injuries in gymnastics can be prevented by raising awareness and knowledge levels between player parents and coaches. Most gymnastics injuries are due to overuse because Gymnast has spent almost a whole year training and participating in the competition, and in the meantime, rest and cross training are less important. To prevent injuries in gymnast, proper training with proper conditioning program can be done by learning the right principles of each technique and resting any previously injured place. Gymnastics is a must have knowledgeable and experienced coach so that proper training and training can be done as per age.

Important points for prevention

Most injuries in gymnastics can be prevented by raising awareness and knowledge levels between player parents and coaches. Most gymnastics injuries are due to overuse because Gymnast has spent almost a whole year training and participating in the competition, and in the meantime, rest and cross training are less important. To prevent injuries in gymnast, proper training with proper conditioning program can be done by learning the right principles of each technique and resting any previously injured place. Gymnastics is a must have knowledgeable and experienced coach so that proper training and training can be done as per age.The establishment of a good stretching program in which the hipadctor, outside the thigh, behind the thigh, the side of the thigh, the front of the thigh, the shank, the back, the shoulder and the neck muscles should be included. Keep in mind that over-stretching is not done.

1) Establishment of a good Strengthening program where weight is replaced by technology.

2) Establish activities to promote balance reactions.

3) Proprioception Training Cold is the key to all body conditioning in gymnastics.

4)Platinum and Agility Programs

5) Stay active in learning the right technology. Appropriate rest is necessary to prevent excessive fatigue.

6) After 30 minutes before starting gymnastics, drink water as per requirement.

7) Use rosin to avoid falling or sliding.

8) Encourage cross training, such as checking the floor and equipment before using swimming for safety. Synergy between school and training.

9) Proper sleep and recovery is important for physical and mental development.