In our first phase post, we talked about our best we can be limitless towards everything we partake in and also those we need to even though we don't have any idea about them. Knowing all of the things others have no knowledge about makes you a very important and makes you be productive each and every day.

So now let's take a look at how we can merge all the facts together into a productive outcome

Learn to Meditate

Meditation mostly is like a breathing exercise which helps us focus on all the million ideas we have into one group. It's very hard to focus on a particular or millions of ideas because our brains are mostly scattered with dozens of it. S to start with it you can set a timmer for 4 to 5minutes and breath in and out very slowly and try to focus all your intention on your breath which brings all of our consciousness into our body instead of our mind, which helps us to recollect all our ideas after the 4 minutes and helps us use it to dive into whatever task we are having difficulties with. We tend to put all our attention on it as one will do for the input and output of information.

Reduce Social Media Use:

We all love technologies and the joy of socializing with our close ones. But with all this, we need to be very skeptical about how we use our time base on that. Especially where you have a discover feed or main news feed you will end up endlessly scrolling down through the explore pages on this social media you practically turning your rational brain off and your primary brain on. It turns to waste valuable time you could use to engage in other new opportunities for untouched work and makes you less focus on the more complex task. Social media is a great tool for communication and getting messages across but we have to try and limit our actions and know how best we can make it beneficial to us by transforming our communication there into business instead unproductive talks.

So by limiting the time you spend on social media, all the tips given will become very useless.

Be Limitless In Everything